FSSI List Price Change

 To process your FSSI List Price change, please follow below instructions:


Phase one: before 12 weeks ahead of the intended effective date

Review your product data in either the Foodstuffs Exchange or GS1. This will ensure that all required product data is available to create the price change form.


Phase two: at 12 weeks out

For Foodstuffs South Island, create and send the price change form to the relevant category manager or managers. Your category team contacts are available here.

Note that the 12 week notice period is NOT in addition to any moratorium period. For instance, a price change notified on 8th November 2022 could have a valid effective date of 6th Feburary 2023 despite the usual Christmas moratorium period occurring between 21st November and 30th January.

Foodstuffs North Island have their own process at this point. Please refer to this page for more detail.


Phase three: 6 weeks out

For FSSI, once you have received written confirmation of acceptance from all affected category managers you will need to attach those confirmations when you make your submission to FOBL. Note that earlier is better, so do not wait for the 6 week mark if you already have acceptance. Send the documents to price@foodstuffs.co.nz.


If your products are not hosted - i.e. they are discretionary for stores to range, please make sure that you directly contact the stores you deal with to notify them of the price change.

You can use the completed SPA form for this process.

This step is necessary as, in the South Island, stores have the ability to override purchase and sale pricing. So, while the Support Office team will update the background pricing, the stores will need to review any local terms that might have loaded against the affected products. If you are not sure which of your products are listed as "IN-STORE" then either contact the relevant category manager or the Supplier Support team (0800 555 985).